DOTSOFT SA is a dynamic, Greek SME Information Technology and Communications services provider, offering IT services to the public and private sector, in Greece and Europe. Customers include government institutions, multinational corporations, public administrations and multinational companies, research and academic institutes.
DOTSOFT SA has extended expertise in the areas of software development, maintenance and support services, project management, business, technical and project consultancy, software, IT applications development, IT systems integration, advanced Internet / Intranet technologies, portals, database applications, Web integration to existing information systems, multimedia publishing, e-government, e-business, e-collaboration, groupware and workflow, content, document and knowledge management, communications middleware, network management, ITC security, broadband and mobile applications, etc.
The company has developed software products, IT applications and tools and has a great number of installations in the Greek and EU market. All the products and services are offered for web, intranet and Internet environments and are mainly based on open architectures and state-of-the-art technologies. DOTSOFT SA supports open source software (OSS) initiatives and distributes a wide range of OSS solutions (e.g. e-collaboration systems, Web Content Management) free of license fees to public administrations. In addition, DS has extensive experience and successful projects using COTS software, in particular based on Microsoft technologies (e.g. .NET, SharePoint) and Oracle).
DOTSOFT has joined the AWS Partner Network (APN) with trained and certified individuals, and enrolled in the Software and Services Paths in order to develop software that runs on or/and is integrated with AWS and deliver consulting, professional, managed and value-added services to its customers.