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ENISA plans to develop a web application in order to enable users to obtain information on cyber threats that has resulted threat analysis activities within ENISA. Based on an information repository with threat information, the web application will create graphical representations of cyber-threats, their components and their mutual relationships. Interested users will be in the position to navigate through this information. Aim of the web application is to conceal complexity of cyber-threats and related information and present interdependencies in an intuitive manner without the prerequisite that the interacting user has to be an expert in cyber-threats.

DOTSOFT supported ENISA in the development of a graphical presentation of the content to be displayed to the end user of the application. ENISA aimed at the development of a web application that meets basic security requirements. Hence, secure code development, secure operation and secure access policies were applied.

The objective to be achieved with this application is to provide users with an intuitive means to navigate through cyber-threat information. Moreover, the web application will support users in obtaining the information available on the basis of their interest/desired level of detail. This should be achieved by using graphical/visual/innovative interaction paradigms.